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Construction Sector Employment in Low-Income Countries: Opportunities and Barriers

…collaboration between policy-level organisations, industry and training institutions to enhance needs-based skills development. Supporting training institutions and key sector players to design and implement demand-led training programmes, perform regular training…

Reducing VAWG around water and sanitation

…out training for WASH communities and/or small-scale service providers; (3) when carrying out monitoring and feedback at community level; (4) during group sessions, e.g. on menstrual hygiene management, HIV or…

Construction Sector Employment in Low-Income Countries: Nature of Employment

…and exposure to hazardous substances such as asbestos. These problems are particularly present in low income countries, where fewer regulations, poor training, and lower compliance to safety standards contribute to…

Role of Digital in Urban Youth Employment

…(SACCOs) and similar community savings groups. Specialised digital solutions now allow these groups to digitise their processes and store money in mobile accounts, increasing accountability and reducing the risk of…

Climate Resilient Infrastructure: UK Industry Best Practice

This briefing note provides an overview of UK built environment industry best practice approaches to planning, designing and assessing climate resilient infrastructure….

Best Practices in Infrastructure TA Programming

In 2016 ICED undertook an extensive review of best practices found across DFID and other donor programmes which utilise technical assistance to improve investment in, and delivery of infrastructure in…

For street vendors, finding water and toilets isn’t just a nuisance, it’s cutting into earnings

…access clean or convenient sanitation, even when free options were available. In Durban, free toilets may fall into disuse, often close early, or have excessively long queues. In addition, many…

Case Study: Disability inclusive design in Dar’s BRT

…design phase, UD standards were adhered to such that disability access was mainstreamed through the design. Near to completion, a civil society group called the Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in…

Construction Sector Employment in Low-Income Countries: Executive Summary

This executive summary is based on a report, commissioned through ICED, that seeks to explore opportunities for, and barriers to, the construction industry as a source of productive and decent…

Construction Sector Employment in Low-Income Countries: Programming Considerations

…programming considerations. It is based on a report, commissioned through ICED, that seeks to explore opportunities for, and barriers to, the construction industry as a source of productive and decent…
