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Construction Sector Employment in Low-Income Countries: Size of the Sector

…The construction sector is a major source of employment; not only in on-site construction but also in construction-related professional services, and the supply of materials and components such as bricks…

Mobilising Finance for Cities’ Water Infrastructure

…By contrast, governments typically focus on long-term institutional reform – a complex goal that is often best approached indirectly. Three key points were identified in the course of discussion. First,…

Increasing access to clean, affordable energy in underserved communities – the case of Zambia

…that the learnings can be considered in other work to expand energy access, both in Zambia and elsewhere. [1] Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report, H1 and H2, 2016:,…

A Whole System Approach: a guide for advisers engaging in the energy sector in developing countries

…in this WSA tool provides a framework for advisers to perform comprehensive analysis across the energy sector. The intention is not for advisers to perform analysis across all parts of…

Case Study: Nigeria Power Sector Reform

Despite being the largest economy in Africa, Nigeria is severely constrained by low quality, decaying infrastructure and inadequate power supply. Responding to these constraints DFID established the Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory…

Climate Resilient Infrastructure: Getting the economics of infrastructure resilience right

…than 50 years and can exceed 100 years. Major shocks and stresses such as extreme weather events related to climate change are almost inevitable during these timescales. Failure to consider…

Case Study: Nairobi Railway and Community Relocation

…was contracted to Rift Valley Railways, a private company given responsibility to run passenger and freight services for 25 years. Rift Valley Railways identified that the presence of informal settlements,…

The Southern African context: Economic indicators, trends and intra-regional trade

…more β€˜recent’ regional integration drives, providing an update on the Tripartite Free Trade Area implementation. This sets the scene for some important trade data from the region including intra-regional trade…

Digital opportunity in cities: Actions for donors

…in a digital world’. In this paper we therefore set out key actions for donors as they consider how they can best harness the digital opportunity for developing country cities….

Digital opportunity in cities: Actions for investors

…a digital world’. In this paper we therefore set out key actions for investors and the private sector as they consider how they can best harness the digital opportunity in…
