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Mobilising Finance for Cities’ Water Infrastructure

…overall water cycle[1]. Cities themselves are cognisant that they are vulnerable to water scarcity; a study commissioned by the Western Cape Province following its 2016-18 drought showed that, with no…

Case Study: Coc San Hydro Plant Viability Gap Funding

…hydropower plant in Vietnam. This case study illustrates key challenges and opportunities of PIDG facilities using TAF VGF funding associated with the complexity and high risk nature of the instrument….

A Whole System Approach: a guide for advisers engaging in the energy sector in developing countries

…in this WSA tool provides a framework for advisers to perform comprehensive analysis across the energy sector. The intention is not for advisers to perform analysis across all parts of…

Case Study: City Creditworthiness in East Africa

This case study analyses an innovative approach in providing capacity building to municipal officials, improving financial performance practices in order to access long term capital of sub-national entities (SNEs). The…

Construction Sector Employment in Low-Income Countries: Size of the Sector

…The construction sector is a major source of employment; not only in on-site construction but also in construction-related professional services, and the supply of materials and components such as bricks…

The Southern African context: Economic indicators, trends and intra-regional trade

…the region including intra-regional trade data – which shows how marginal regional trade is as compared to international trade (i.e. countries in our study trading with international markets outside Africa)….

The use of donor capital to catalyse investment in infrastructure

…infrastructure investments come from the private sector. The infrastructure funds considered in this report are set out in Table 1 below. This is not intended to be exhaustive, and the…

WASH Technology Matrix

The ICED WASH Technology Matrix, represents the early design and development of an actionable and participatory online, web-hosted directory that lists and recommends over 200 WASH technologies based on a…

Case Study: Dakar Municipal Bond

This case study covers a sequence of technical assistance interventions by PPIAF/SNTA and other development partners between 2009 and 2014 designed to strengthen the financial management of the City of…

Case Study: Disability inclusive education in Pakistan

This case study highlights the opportunity for DFID urban growth, infrastructure and transport programmes to build disability inclusion into programming activities, using examples from the delivery of school construction in…
