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5 Key Steps for building conflict sensitivity into DFID infrastructure programming

…between communities? What is the opportunity for corrupt politicians or officials to capture or misdirect these resources? What will the poorest members of this community feel about this intervention? Consulting…

Urbanisation in a Digital World: Opportunities and actions for governments, donors and the private sector

…skills and training, labour policy, cyber security, and traditional gender divides may narrow or widen the existing digital divide, and highlights the key issues that donors and governments should consider…

A Whole System Approach: a guide for advisers engaging in the energy sector in developing countries

…in this WSA tool provides a framework for advisers to perform comprehensive analysis across the energy sector. The intention is not for advisers to perform analysis across all parts of…

Case Study: Nairobi Railway and Community Relocation

…along the line, created serious hazards and limited the profitability of the service. In response government initially identified that settlers were to be removed and compensated, with a free standing…

The Southern African context: Economic indicators, trends and intra-regional trade

…more ‘recent’ regional integration drives, providing an update on the Tripartite Free Trade Area implementation. This sets the scene for some important trade data from the region including intra-regional trade…

Construction Sector Employment in Low Income Countries (Report)

…highlights DFID’s ambition to promote inclusive growth through job creation, and to focus on creating jobs for those who are poor and marginalised and operating in the informal economy. The…

Revealing and strengthening the links between WASH, productivity, and well-being for informal vendors in South Africa and Kenya

…data-collection is particularly needed on the following topics: Affordability, quality, proximity, and waiting times for WASH at informal worksites Impacts of deficient workplace WASH, such as a) lower productivity, b)…

Construction Sector Employment in Low-Income Countries: Size of the Sector

…construction (e.g. roads and highways, bridges), industrial construction (e.g. oil and gas platforms, mining infrastructure) and residential and commercial construction (e.g. single-family dwellings and office buildings). Main areas of construction…

Opportunities to Support and Increase Regional Power Trading in Southern Africa

…act as a platform for electricity trading across the region. This includes a competitive day-ahead market. None of the other power pools has a relatively, transparent and competitive market of…

Case Study: IFC’s Scaling Solar Programme, Zambia

Investors developing private solar projects in Africa have been deterred from entering the market by obstacles such as high transaction costs, heavily negotiated agreements, high risk and the cost of…
