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Raising the gender empowerment ambitions of PIDG’s investments

Over the past couple of years, the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG) have been looking for ways to enhance their contribution to gender equality and empowerment. They aren’t alone in…

Increasing access to clean, affordable energy in underserved communities – the case of Zambia

…that the learnings can be considered in other work to expand energy access, both in Zambia and elsewhere. [1] Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report, H1 and H2, 2016:,…

Guidance note: Inclusivity in Procurement

…can be introduced into a typical project cycle in multilateral development banks (MDBs) as good practice. This Guidance includes actions, approaches and options that could be integrated at key stages…

Land administration systems in Ethiopia

…tenure, land registration and certification and expropriation and compensation issues. This summary is based on a broader scoping report looking at the critical land issues in Ethiopia, commissioned through ICED….

A Whole System Approach: a guide for advisers engaging in the energy sector in developing countries

…in this WSA tool provides a framework for advisers to perform comprehensive analysis across the energy sector. The intention is not for advisers to perform analysis across all parts of…

Construction Sector Employment in Low-Income Countries: Size of the Sector

This summary note provides data to understand what proportion of the national workforce is employed in the construction industry in DFID focus countries. It is based on a report, commissioned…

Case Study: Nairobi Railway and Community Relocation

…was contracted to Rift Valley Railways, a private company given responsibility to run passenger and freight services for 25 years. Rift Valley Railways identified that the presence of informal settlements,…

The Southern African context: Economic indicators, trends and intra-regional trade

…more ‘recent’ regional integration drives, providing an update on the Tripartite Free Trade Area implementation. This sets the scene for some important trade data from the region including intra-regional trade…

Reducing VAWG in Transport

…communities and public spaces. This paper explores some key opportunities and promising practice around improving safety for women at and around transport hubs as well as in last mile connectivity….

Disability inclusion briefing

…into new programmes under design or existing programmes in delivery. Illustrative examples of good practice from some of DFID’s key partner countries. Practical advice on engaging with infrastructure and urban…
