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Digital opportunity in cities: Actions for policy makers

…a digital world’. In this paper we therefore set out key actions for national and city policy makers as they consider how they can best harness the digital opportunity for…

5 Key Steps for building conflict sensitivity into DFID infrastructure programming

…between communities? What is the opportunity for corrupt politicians or officials to capture or misdirect these resources? What will the poorest members of this community feel about this intervention? Consulting…

Urbanisation in a Digital World: Opportunities and actions for governments, donors and the private sector

…the last decade, initially focusing on the use of digital solutions to improve infrastructure services. More recently, the term has come to encompass a whole range of approaches, from the…

Youth Scoping Study: Boosting Youth Employment through Infrastructure Programming

…infrastructure and cities (I&C) programming and whether these programmes improve outcomes for young people in terms of jobs and training opportunities, and if not, why not. In addition, the scoping…

Delivering Inclusive growth through infrastructure programming in FCAS: A Bibliography

…build long-term stability? This annotated bibliography looks at research and other relevant materials, drawing mainly on documents published following the last DFID commissioned research on this topic. It represents the…

Delivering Disability Inclusive Infrastructure in Low Income Countries

This document has been developed in response to DFID’s commitment to provide guidance and support on disability inclusive infrastructure. It sets out key enabling features to deliver infrastructure as part…
