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Case Study: Disability inclusive WASH in Sub Saharan Africa

This case study highlights the opportunity for DFID WASH programmes and provides basic, introductory guidance on DI to DFID advisers and managers on how to build disability inclusion into programming…

Addressing VAWG through coordinated urban planning

Better planning of urbanisation and infrastructure has the potential to create safer environments. However, effective operations and maintenance is essential to ensure the reliable provision of services. Street lights with…

Case Study: Nigeria Power Sector Reform

Despite being the largest economy in Africa, Nigeria is severely constrained by low quality, decaying infrastructure and inadequate power supply. Responding to these constraints DFID established the Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory…

Case Study: IFC’s Scaling Solar Programme, Zambia

…capital. The IFC Scaling Solar Programme was initiated to de-risk the bidding process and to enable project developers to compete on a “like-for-like” basis. The IFC’s investment facilitation platform offered…

Case Study: Thailand Government Housing Bank

…to make way for commercial development, mediation is used to determine the division of land to allow residents to remain on site while making space development. This approach was taken…

Case Study: Toi Market Community Savings Scheme

Toi Market is a large and vibrant trading area on the edge of the Kibera informal settlement in Nairobi. Operating since 1983, the market has expanded to occupy some 6…

Case Study: The Secondary Cities Support Programme

Transforming Settlements of the Urban Poor in Uganda – A Secondary Cities Support Programme (TSUPU) presents an innovative approach to develop a locally-owned, coherent national programme to tackle the challenges…

Infrastructure scoping study summary: Indonesia

…electricity, underdeveloped ports, and unsuitable waste management. Various common challenges to improved service delivery include fragmented institutional structures, poor cost recovery, limited human resources, lack of public investment, and poor…

Infrastructure scoping study summary: Laos

While the Laos economy has recently experienced rapid growth, with poverty falling substantially, there is significant room for improvement in the country’s current state of infrastructure quality, particularly in transport,…

Effects of war on water security in Yemen: Stocktaking study

…status of water security in Yemen after four years of war, documenting the impact that conflict has had on water security. The stocktaking exercise compared the state of water security…
