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Reducing VAWG in Land and Housing

Insecure dwellings in communities with high crime rates and few security patrols can exacerbate women’s vulnerability to burglary, theft and rape in their own homes. Recent migrants are often particularly…

Infrastructure as a game-changer for Women’s Economic Empowerment

In September 2016 the UN Secretary General launched the first ever report by the High Level Panel (HLP) on Women’s Economic Empowerment. The Infrastructure and Cities for Economic Development (ICED)…

Urban Growth Diagnostic – Ndola, Zambia

Ndola is the third largest city in Zambia, and the industrial and commercial hub of Zambia’s copperbelt. The city is home to half a million people, roughly a third of…

‘How to’ Guide: Integrating VFM data collection and analysis within third party monitoring programmes

…infrastructure delivery in Fragile and Conflict Affected States (FCAS). It provides high-level guidance on what to consider from a value for money (VFM) perspective, when using a TPM programme. TPM…

Delivering Inclusive growth through infrastructure programming in FCAS: A Bibliography

ICAI, in its 2015 report ‘Assessing Impact of the Scale-up of DFID’s support to Fragile States’, included a recommendation for DFID to provide guidance on targeted infrastructure components to ensure…

Sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH): Infrastructure Tool

…their oversight capacity to manage and/or escalate SEAH incidents. This tool is not intended as comprehensive guidance, rather it sets out the priority risks and common weak spots where SEAH…

Delivering Inclusive Growth Through Infrastructure Programming in FCAS: Synthesis report

…audience is DFID advisers and programme managers; however, the findings are also expected to be of interest to other donors and sector stakeholders. The report provides high level recommendations for…
