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Rural Sudan: IWRM Applied (Case Studies)

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a means of addressing water problems driven by competing water demands for scarce and variable water resources. The approach has been used successfully in…

Case: Securing Political Commitment to Programming

…This case study seeks to draw out key success factors in securing political buy in and shares examples of how tactics can be applied to secure and then maintain commitment….

Delivering integrated water resource management in fragile contexts: Guidelines

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a means of addressing water problems driven by competing water demands for scarce and variable water resources. The approach has been used successfully in…

IWRM : Managing risks and promoting development in fragile contexts

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a means of addressing water problems driven by competing water demands for scarce and variable water resources. The approach has been used successfully in…

Water for Economic Development: Evidence and Programming Entry Points

…upon lessons from a recent ICED Transboundary Water study in South Asia, a subsequent DFID workshop to discuss water for economic development, and wider evidence on the costs and benefits…

Pakistan: Housing Ecosystem Analysis & Entry Points

The ICED Facility supported DFID Pakistan to conduct a short pre-scoping study to better understand and identify potential entry points to improve the affordable housing market in Pakistan. Engagement in…

Delivering Inclusive Growth Through Infrastructure Programming in FCAS: Synthesis report

This synthesis report draws together findings from a DFID research project investigating infrastructure development in Fragile and Conflict Affected States (FCAS). The research seeks to draw both from the literature…
