This paper provides a framework for how to address violence against women and girls (VAWG) through programming and policy dialogue on infrastructure and cities. It aims to support DFID advisers and programme managers to integrate VAWG as an important consideration of all urban and infrastructure programming and policy dialogue. The paper is divided into four key parts, which are designed to work independently of each other or together as one resource document:
- Overview – 2-page summary of the key issues, with a table of how to address VAWG through urban and infrastructure programmes.
- Section 1 provides a brief introduction to VAWG and why it matters to urban and infrastructure programmes.
- Section 2 identifies the key risks and opportunities for each of ICED’s seven entry points, as well as during the construction phase. These sub-sections are also intended to be short stand-alone briefs to help the integration of VAWG into sectors (e.g. Energy, WASH).
- Section 3 highlights some of the conditions for success – what is needed for a programme to be transformative. It concludes with ideas for getting started.