Digital solutions for procurement and operations and maintenance

This work was carried out under the Infrastructure and Cities for Economic Development (ICED) facility.

ICED supported DFID country offices, central teams and ODA-spending Other Government Departments to deliver DFID’s Economic Development Strategy by scaling up programming and investment in infrastructure and cities. It operated between February 2016 and July 2019.

There are growing opportunities to use digital solutions to solve urban service delivery challenges, including the potential to better plan services for citizens, improving the value for money of LGAs investments an leveraging private sector support. In 2017, the ICED programme developed a positioning paper ‘Urbanisation in a Digital World’, reviewed the potential for a trailblazing East African country to adopt digital solutions to improve service delivery, and assessed the potential for a Central Asian capital to become a Smart City. This research highlighted key opportunities for donor programming, where digital solutions could unlock inclusive pro-poor growth. 




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