
Water for Economic Development: Evidence and Programming Entry Points

This briefing note provides an overview of the potential opportunities for integrating water considerations into infrastructure and wider economic development programming. The brief explains the underlying theories of change that link water to economic growth, and provides examples of how water might be included in donor programmes. It also sets out practical considerations for design, […]

Opportunities to Support and Increase Regional Power Trading in Southern Africa

The Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) is the most mature of the power pools established in Africa. SAPP was established in 1995 and, while progress has been gradual, SAPP does act as a platform for electricity trading across the region. This includes a competitive day-ahead market. None of the other power pools has a relatively, […]

Uganda Construction Capacity Preliminary Assessment: Key Findings & Recommendations

In January 2018, the ICED Facility undertook a preliminary assessment of the construction industry in Uganda using the Construction Capacity Framework (CCF) as a means to structure their assessment and reporting. This report summarises the key findings and initial recommendations for the Ugandan construction industry, identifying potential areas for investment in strengthening the industry and […]

Land administration systems in Ethiopia

This background paper provides a historical overview of land administration systems in Ethiopia, before focusing in on key rural and urban institutions, land use planning, land tenure, land registration and certification and expropriation and compensation issues. This summary is based on a broader scoping report looking at the critical land issues in Ethiopia, commissioned through […]

Inclusive growth in a digital world: Opportunities and Solutions (Presentation)

This presentation was given at an ICED internal learning session in December 2018 at DFID. It overviews the ICED Facility’s work on digital from across its portfolios.

Youth Scoping Study: Boosting Youth Employment through Infrastructure Programming

This study is one of four studies focusing on ICED’s priority areas – youth, disability, women’s economic empowerment (WEE) and violence against women and girls (VAWG). The terms of reference (TOR) was developed with the Youth and Education Team in DFID London. The key objective of the study is to assess what work is currently […]

Enabling private investment in informal settlements: Exploring the potential of community finance

In this paper, we explore the potential of community finance to enable private investment in informal settlements of Asia and Africa. Community finance refers to the savings and collective capacity of residents of low-income communities, working together. Community finance is founded on women-led savings groups within informal settlements, which are formed among neighbours who are […]

Country Infrastructure Sector Diagnostics

DFID requested support from the ICED facility to develop short summaries on the status of the infrastructure in 16 countries or regions, in support of Country Development Diagnostics (CDDs). This is to ensure that the state of economic infrastructure in all DFID countries is analysed in a consistent manner. The summaries provide a strategic overview […]

Digital Innovation in the Built Environment in Low Income Countries: Diagnostic Report & Implementation Opportunities

In 2018 the UK Department for International Development (DFID) launched its Digital Strategy 2018-2020, which states: ‘digital, data and technology can be an enabler rather than an end goal: the goal is in the material benefits delivered to people, particularly those who are most vulnerable and marginalised’. DFID commissioned this research to address the knowledge […]

Delivering Disability Inclusive Infrastructure in Low Income Countries

This document has been developed in response to DFID’s commitment to provide guidance and support on disability inclusive infrastructure. It sets out key enabling features to deliver infrastructure as part of a journey to leave no-one behind. The document sets out key challenges and opportunities in legislating for, designing and financing Disability inclusive infrastructure (DII), […]
