TfL Consulting currently works on a number of Green City and Infrastructure projects across Asia and Africa, covering both Deep Offer and Targeted Offer projects.
Results for " Infrastructure"
GCIP training course shares world-class business case management with Egyptian government officials
In October 2024, GCIP led a four-day training course on the Five Case Model (5CM) approach for the Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities in Cairo, Egypt.
GCIP report outlines route to more equitable, affordable and sustainable energy for Egypt
On the 31 March 2024, GCIP submitted an implementation guideline report to the Egypt Energy Regulatory Authority. The report provides timelines and strategic actions for both renewable energy certificates and wheeling.
GCIP attends Energy Forum for Africa to advance energy diversification in Zambia
GCIP leadership recently attended the Energy Forum for Africa, a high-profile event promoting investment opportunities and sustainable solutions for Africa’s energy sector.
GCIP launches the Baguio Water Supply Project to support integrated water management solutions for Baguio City
GCIP has officially begun its Baguio Water Supply Project, a cornerstone of the its work in the Philippines and a significant advancement in the city of Baguio’s pursuit of sustainable urban infrastructure.
GCIP Annual Report executive summary: 2023-24
In its first year, GCIP has achieved or exceeded all targets, delivering real, on-the-ground change. Read more in our 2023-24 Annual Report executive summary.
Inaugural Climate Finance Committee meeting takes place in Ghana
The governments of Ghana and the UK have jointly established a climate finance committee (CFC) to enhance climate finance flows in Ghana. The CFC provides a platform to share experiences and learnings about climate finance flows in the country.
British Geological Survey
The British Geological Survey (BGS) works globally to help stakeholders make better decisions about geology and the role of geological processes in underpinning economy, environment and society. As a non-departmental public body, BGS is the UK’s premier provider of geological data, information and knowledge to help address major global challenges. Its science priorities are focused…
GCIP Mozambique leads high-level dialogue at Mozambique–UK Business and Investment Forum
GCIP was formally introduced in Mozambique during the Business and Investment Forum. GCIP is working to accelerate sustainable growth through increased access to climate finance, more bankable infrastructure projects and improved resilience of cities.