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This briefing note reviews the evidence relating to the costs and benefits of infrastructure resilience, considers potential financing options and discusses how DFID staff can ensure value for money during investment decision-making. Infrastructure investments typically have longer lifetimes than other forms of development finance. Operating lives of assets relating to the transport, water and power […]
DownloadIn December 2017, the ICED facility hosted a number of Quarterly Lessons Learnt (QLL) sessions. Attached are slides presented at a session on infrastructure investment in FCAS. Are there things you can do to raise private finance for infrastructure in conflict affected countries? The session presented and contrasted profiles of different fragile states from the […]
DownloadThe ICED WASH Technology Matrix, represents the early design and development of an actionable and participatory online, web-hosted directory that lists and recommends over 200 WASH technologies based on a number of criteria that users select, from their geographic location, budget, climate and water or sewage treatment requirements.
DownloadToi Market is a large and vibrant trading area on the edge of the Kibera informal settlement in Nairobi. Operating since 1983, the market has expanded to occupy some 6 acres of land and has become a key supplier of fresh produce for Nairobi. As a burgeoning economic centre, the Toi Market attracted a number […]
DownloadThe effective planning and delivery of vital infrastructure is central to realising the full economic potential of cities to drive growth and development. In Nairobi, improvements to the operation and safety of the rail network were impeded by large scale occupation of land along railway lines through the Mukuru and Kibera informal settlements. In 2006, […]
DownloadDevelopment pressure on urban sites, occupied by informal settlements, has led to a particular strategy of land sharing in Thailand. In situations where land owners decide to evict informal settlers to make way for commercial development, mediation is used to determine the division of land to allow residents to remain on site while making space […]
DownloadThis case study covers a sequence of technical assistance interventions by PPIAF/SNTA and other development partners between 2009 and 2014 designed to strengthen the financial management of the City of Dakar and raise financing for municipal infrastructure projects (See Annex I, Table 7). This illustrates a number of distinctive and instructive features even though the […]
DownloadThis case study analyses an innovative approach in providing capacity building to municipal officials, improving financial performance practices in order to access long term capital of sub-national entities (SNEs). The City Creditworthiness Initiative (CCI), was created “to coordinate and integrate existing efforts, instruments, knowledge and resources by identifying the most effective solutions and implementation arrangements […]
DownloadResearch highlights the provision of affordable housing, including for the lowest income groups, as an overlooked opportunity for developers and investors willing to think more creatively about the housing market. There are a number of areas where collaboration between private and community sector organisations could enable development of affordable housing, utilising the networks and resources established […]
DownloadThere are growing opportunities to utilise digital solutions to solve urban service delivery challenges. Opportunities include the potential to better plan services for citizens, improving the value for money of LGAs investments an leveraging private sector support. In 2017 the ICED programme developed a positioning paper ‘Urbanisation in a Digital World’, reviewed the potential for […]