The DFID economic development strategy prioritises the need to tackle structural barriers so that the poorest and most marginalised can access productive jobs.
Infrastructure plays an important role in achieving a wide range of social and economic development outcomes. However, if the needs of all people are not taken into account in the design and delivery of different types of infrastructure, there is a risk that vulnerable and marginalised groups may be excluded from benefits and opportunities.
ICED provides practical guidance to help apply DFID’s gender equality and ‘leave no one behind’ policy objectives in infrastructure for economic growth.
See below a collection of knowledge, evidence and case studies on inclusive infrastructure programming:
- Promoting Women’s empowerment through energy
- Infrastructure as a game-changer for Women’s Economic Empowerment
- Transport: A Game Changer for Women’s Economic Empowerment
- Reducing VAWG around water and sanitation
- Reducing VAWG in Land and Housing
- Reducing VAWG in Construction
- Reducing VAWG in Transport