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Infrastructure as a game-changer for Women’s Economic Empowerment

In September 2016 the UN Secretary General launched the first ever report by the High Level Panel (HLP) on Women’s Economic Empowerment. The Infrastructure and Cities for Economic Development (ICED) facility was instrumental in ensuring this HLP report recognised the potential role of infrastructure as a game-changer for women’s economic empowerment (WEE).

DFID’s #LiveCityHack at Habitat III, Quito

Jinja Mayor Majid Batambuze challenged experts at Habitat III to come up with innovative ways for his city to implement the UN’s New Urban Agenda. Hosted by Rubbina Karruna, Cities Adviser at DFID, the session was designed and facilitated by ICED Urban team to explore the proposition that African secondary cities can act as linchpins […]

Energy: Mini-grid electrification in Sierra Leone

ICED developed a business case for mini-grid electrification in remote communities in Sierra Leone using innovative private-sector business models

Mainstreaming Gender & Inclusion in Urban Programming

Infrastructure and cities programming provide critical opportunities to boost economic growth. However, infrastructure provision and urban development alone are not enough to ensure that economic growth benefits the poor and marginalised. The design and implementation of programmes need to be conceived and put in place with purposeful planning for inclusive approaches.

What can be learnt from Dakar’s failed attempt to launch a municipal bond?

In 2015, Senegal’s central government blocked Dakar’s first municipal bond launch; a pioneering transaction supported by the World Bank. ICED considered what happened as part of an evidence review to inform DFID’s new Cities and Infrastructure for Growth programme (CIG) and identified three key lessons for technical programming .

Smart cities in the global South: a path to prosperity or irrelevant luxury?

Do ‘smart cities’ bear relevance in the burgeoning cities of the global south? Basic infrastructure and service provision shortfalls faced by many southern cities present a challenging context for ‘smart’ solutions; and certainly contrasting to those of many existing ‘smart cities.’

Moving ahead: a new agenda for cities, infrastructure and trade

DFID has placed trade firmly on the economic development agenda, with the objective of harnessing the potential of new trade relationships to boost job creation and investment to the world’s poorest countries.

July 2017 QLL Summary

In July, the ICED team delivered a series of quarterly lessons learnt workshops at DFID’s offices in Whitehall and remotely. These workshops presented recent lessons learnt from across the ICED facility’s work, including from our urban, economic development, infrastructure, and FCAS portfolios.

Zimbabwe’s Changing Urban Landscape

The ICED facility has undertaken an analysis of Zimbabwe’s urban trends for DFID’s Zimbabwe country office. This analysis was done in order to better understand urban trends and dynamics in Zimbabwe which can inform future urban programming.

July 2017 QLL Event Recap

On 13 July, the ICED team delivered the quarterly lessons learnt workshop exploring how infrastructure programming can promote women’s economic empowerment. The workshop drew on ICED experience from the Pakistan ‘Support to Urban Productivity (SUP)’ business case.
