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Delivering Disability Inclusive Infrastructure in Low Income Countries

This document has been developed in response to DFID’s commitment to provide guidance and support on disability inclusive infrastructure. It sets out key enabling features to deliver infrastructure as part of a journey to leave no-one behind. The document sets out key challenges and opportunities in legislating for, designing and financing Disability inclusive infrastructure (DII), […]

Top reading resources for building in disability

One billion people, or 15% of the world’s population, experience some form of disability, and disability prevalence is higher in developing countries. This important topic will form the focus of DFID’s forthcoming Disability Summit, ahead of which we thought we should share our top recommended reads for all donors and programme implementers wanting to build […]

Case Study: Disability inclusive design in Dar’s BRT

One billion people, or 15% of the world’s population, experience some form of disability, and disability prevalence is higher in developing countries. Well planned infrastructure and inclusive urban services are fundamental to unlocking the potential of people with disabilities. Currently, DI is not consistently addressed across DFID’s infrastructure programming and policy dialogue. It is not […]

Case Study: Disability inclusive WASH in Sub Saharan Africa

This case study highlights the opportunity for DFID WASH programmes and provides basic, introductory guidance on DI to DFID advisers and managers on how to build disability inclusion into programming activities.

Case Study: Disability inclusive education in Pakistan

This case study highlights the opportunity for DFID urban growth, infrastructure and transport programmes to build disability inclusion into programming activities, using examples from the delivery of school construction in Pakistan.

What does good disability inclusion look like?

One billion people, or 15% of the world’s population, experience some form of disability and disability prevalence is higher in developing countries. This short paper sets out key themes to consider when designing, or pivoting infrastructure and cities programming, that will improve disability inclusion.

The cost of ignoring disability inclusion

One billion people, or 15% of the world’s population, experience some form of disability, and disability prevalence is higher in developing countries. This short paper examines the costs of ignoring disability inclusion in programme design and delivery, offering donor advisors useful evidence for use in business case design and VfM assessments. 

Disability inclusion: The basics

One billion people, or 15% of the world’s population, experience some form of disability, and disability prevalence is higher in developing countries. Infrastructure and cities are vehicles for increasing DI through the design and delivery of inclusive public services. But in order to design and deliver inclusive services it is necessary to first understand how […]

Disability inclusion: Infrastructure sector entry points

One billion people, or 15% of the world’s population, experience some form of disability, and disability prevalence is higher in developing countries. This short paper examines the key programme entry points that programme designers and implementors can consider, by sector.

Developing the case for disability inclusion

Improving the lives of people with disabilities has increasingly becoming a major priority for government, civil society and the private sector globally. While the development challenge continues to gain traction and articulated globally, the economic case is also become clear. Below we provide some helpful arguments for building the social and economic case to focus […]
