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Guidance note: Political economy analysis and VFM in infrastructure

The goal of this guidance is to ensure that DFID advisers and service providers put interventions in their political context to improve value for money (VFM) in infrastructure programming. The guidance shows DFID programme managers and implementing partners how to capture ongoing political economy analysis (PEA) systematically and integrate PEA into programming so that projects […]

‘How to’ guide: Community based monitoring guidance

This document sets out guidance for structuring and deploying Community-Based Monitoring (CBM) to monitor infrastructure projects in fragile and conflict-affected states (FCAS) as a tool to improve value for money (VFM). While the guidance is targeted at using CBM for infrastructure projects, the concepts are broad enough to be applied to a wide range of […]

Equity and VFM in infrastructure

This ‘how to’ guide provides practical advice for considering equity issues in infrastructure programming, in order to achieve good Value for Money (VFM) outcomes in FCAS. The guidance is aimed at those in DFID, other donor organisations and service providers who are responsible for programme identification and design, business case development, and managing and implementing […]

‘How to’ guide: Using cost indicators in FCAS for better VFM in infrastructure

This guidance note is intended to assist practitioners with effective use of cost indicators in donor programmes with an infrastructure component; with a focus on the challenges experienced in Fragile and Conflict Affected States (FCAS). It explains how to use cost indicators at each stage of the infrastructure investment lifecycle; as a tool to better […]

Options Paper: Sustainability in FCAS infrastructure programming

This guidance note is intended to inform donor programme design and delivery decisions for infrastructure in Fragile and Conflict Affected States (FCAS). It provides good practice guidance on how to design and deliver sustainable infrastructure. It includes an examination of five possible delivery models for funding long term operations and maintenance (O&M) of infrastructure, and […]

Lessons Learnt Session: Infrastructure investment in FCAS

In December 2017, the ICED facility hosted a number of Quarterly Lessons Learnt (QLL) sessions. Attached are slides presented at a session on infrastructure investment in FCAS. Are there things you can do to raise private finance for infrastructure in conflict affected countries? The session presented and contrasted profiles of different fragile states from the […]

Briefing: Urbanisation trends in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe’s urban landscape encompasses the large metropolitan areas of Harare and Bulawayo, large cities and towns, and as many as 472 small urban centres. However, explaining ‘urban’ trends in Zimbabwe is challenging, due to inconsistencies in measurement and gaps in knowledge and data, which together create uncertainty around the extent and nature of urbanisation and […]
