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Raising the gender empowerment ambitions of PIDG’s investments

Over the past couple of years, the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG) have been looking for ways to enhance their contribution to gender equality and empowerment.  They aren’t alone in this – it is an increasingly important area for investors and Governments. This momentum around gender-lens investing has offered up plenty of opportunities to learn […]

Transport: A Game Changer for Women’s Economic Empowerment

This Briefing Note provides guidance on how to accelerate Women’s Economic Empowermentthrough DFID’s investments in the transport sector. It is one in a series of ICED Briefing Notesdesigned to support DFID’s implementation of its Economic Development Strategy. The note is aimed at supporting DFID advisers and programme managers working on women’s economic empowerment, infrastructure and […]

Infrastructure as a game-changer for Women’s Economic Empowerment

In September 2016 the UN Secretary General launched the first ever report by the High Level Panel (HLP) on Women’s Economic Empowerment. The Infrastructure and Cities for Economic Development (ICED) facility was instrumental in ensuring this HLP report recognised the potential role of infrastructure as a game-changer for women’s economic empowerment (WEE).

Mainstreaming Gender & Inclusion in Urban Programming

Infrastructure and cities programming provide critical opportunities to boost economic growth. However, infrastructure provision and urban development alone are not enough to ensure that economic growth benefits the poor and marginalised. The design and implementation of programmes need to be conceived and put in place with purposeful planning for inclusive approaches.

July 2017 QLL Event Recap

On 13 July, the ICED team delivered the quarterly lessons learnt workshop exploring how infrastructure programming can promote women’s economic empowerment. The workshop drew on ICED experience from the Pakistan ‘Support to Urban Productivity (SUP)’ business case.
