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Pakistan: Housing Ecosystem Analysis & Entry Points

The ICED Facility supported DFID Pakistan to conduct a short pre-scoping study to better understand and identify potential entry points to improve the affordable housing market in Pakistan. Engagement in the housing sector offers DFID Pakistan an opportunity to integrate programming related to poverty reduction, household financial stability, job creation, inclusion, environment, resilience, and climate […]

Case Study: Disability inclusive education in Pakistan

This case study highlights the opportunity for DFID urban growth, infrastructure and transport programmes to build disability inclusion into programming activities, using examples from the delivery of school construction in Pakistan.

July 2017 QLL Event Recap

On 13 July, the ICED team delivered the quarterly lessons learnt workshop exploring how infrastructure programming can promote women’s economic empowerment. The workshop drew on ICED experience from the Pakistan ‘Support to Urban Productivity (SUP)’ business case.
