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5 Key Steps for building conflict sensitivity into DFID infrastructure programming

1. Build conflict sensitivity into all stages of programming This means thinking about conflict sensitivity risks at each stage of the project cycle, starting with analysis and concept, through design, implementation, monitoring and final evaluation. Basic questions to consider would include: does our analysis take into account the views of excluded groups, how can we […]

IWRM : Managing risks and promoting development in fragile contexts

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a means of addressing water problems driven by competing water demands for scarce and variable water resources. The approach has been used successfully in fragile contexts to manage risk and promote development. During 2018 ICED undertook a review of successful IWRM approaches in Sudan, extracting lessons learnt on how […]

Delivering Inclusive growth through infrastructure programming in FCAS: A Bibliography

ICAI, in its 2015 report ‘Assessing Impact of the Scale-up of DFID’s support to Fragile States’, included a recommendation for DFID to provide guidance on targeted infrastructure components to ensure sustainable impacts in fragile states programming. DFID commissioned the ICED facility to conduct a piece of research in response to this recommendation. This document is […]

Balancing digital risk and opportunity in development

Developing countries cannot view the digital transition as a luxury, but as a necessity if cities and countries wish to be a part of the new global economy.  Regardless of country or income level, governments are grappling with how to embrace technology shifts to achieve better outcomes for citizens. However in emerging economies, governments will […]

Urbanisation in a digital world: The importance of cities

In early 2017 the UK’s Department for International Development’s ICED programme convened a roundtable of UK government departments, investors, NGOs, urban development practitioners and private sector technology and infrastructure services providers. The session explored whether the ‘Smart Cities’ paradigm had relevance for developing country cities, and how the opportunity posed by new digital solutions should […]

Digital opportunity in cities: Time to leapfrog

Developing countries cannot view the digital transition as a luxury, but as a necessity if cities and countries wish to be a part of the new global economy. To support this transition governments, donors and the private sector each have a role to play, and key actions for each stakeholder group are set out in […]

Digital opportunity in cities: Actions for policy makers

Developing countries cannot view the digital transition as a luxury, but as a necessity if cities and countries wish to be a part of the new global economy. To support this transition governments, donors and the private sector each have a role to play, with key actions for each stakeholder group as set out in […]

Digital opportunity in cities: Actions for investors

Developing countries cannot view the digital transition as a luxury, but as a necessity if cities and countries wish to be a part of the new global economy. To support this transition governments, donors and the private sector each have a role to play, with key actions for each stakeholder group as set out in […]

Digital opportunity in cities: Actions for donors

Developing countries cannot view the digital transition as a luxury, but as a necessity if cities and countries wish to be a part of the new global economy. To support this transition governments, donors and the private sector each have a role to play, with key actions for each stakeholder group as set out in […]

Digital solutions for urban governance

Digital solutions can improve city government-citizen engagement, promote improved prioritisation of services, support data-driven decision making, enable greater revenue generation, improve viability and delivery of investments, and support asset management.
