
Delivering Disability Inclusive Infrastructure in Low Income Countries

This document has been developed in response to DFID’s commitment to provide guidance and support on disability inclusive infrastructure. It sets out key enabling features to deliver infrastructure as part of a journey to leave no-one behind. The document sets out key challenges and opportunities in legislating for, designing and financing Disability inclusive infrastructure (DII), […]

Sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH): Infrastructure Tool

The infrastructure sector presents a high-risk environment for incidents of sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment (SEAH). DFID’s Safeguarding Unit has identified infrastructure as a priority focus area and has commissioned this tool to identify and mitigate SEAH risks across DFID’s infrastructure programming. This tool has been developed specifically for DFID advisers, programme managers […]

Construction Capacity Framework

The Construction Capacity Framework (CCF) provides a structured approach to understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the construction industry in developing countries to help identify areas that could be strengthened to enable more effective infrastructure delivery and development outcomes. Global investment in infrastructure assets is expected to double between 2015 and 20303, with the greatest […]

Effects of war on water security in Yemen: Stocktaking study

Yemen has a long history and reputation as a water-stressed country. In the last several decades, the country’s population has been steadily increasing and agricultural and irrigation methods have undergone radical change, placing immense pressure on an already strained and very limited water resource. The onset of war has served to exacerbate an already extremely […]

Delivering Inclusive Growth Through Infrastructure Programming in FCAS: Afghanistan – Roads and Power Sectors

Afghanistan has been, and continues to be, an extremely challenging operating environment both generally, and in relation to infrastructure development. This case study seeks to draw both from the literature, and also from recent experience, to identify approaches that could result in the development and financial support for infrastructure projects having a greater chance of […]

Report: Transboundary waters in South Asia Unpacking evidence of contributions to sustainable development

The objective of this report is to analyse how investing in transboundary water infrastructure and governance contributes to sustainable and inclusive economic development, unpacking the assumptions being made into testable hypotheses and analysing the evidence for these pathways. Due to South Asia’s heavy economic activity around its shared rivers, there is significant economic and hydrological […]

Mobilising Finance for Cities’ Water Infrastructure

On 4 April 2019, DFID hosted a session coordinated by Infrastructure and Cities for Economic Development (ICED) to explore mechanisms for mobilising finance for investment in urban water infrastructure. During the session, more than 15 leading development practitioners and financiers shared their viewpoints on how to achieve the goal of mobilising more than $6.7 trillion […]

The use of donor capital to catalyse investment in infrastructure

Purpose and objective of this casebook  This casebook presents examples of the use made by DFID and other donors of capital investment in infrastructure and related sectors. The casebook was prepared by the Infrastructure and Cities for Economic Development (ICED) Facility of DFID. The primary objective of the casebook is to provide clear and concise […]

Raising the gender empowerment ambitions of PIDG’s investments

Over the past couple of years, the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG) have been looking for ways to enhance their contribution to gender equality and empowerment.  They aren’t alone in this – it is an increasingly important area for investors and Governments. This momentum around gender-lens investing has offered up plenty of opportunities to learn […]

Briefing Paper: Violence against Women and Girls, Infrastructure and Cities

This paper provides a framework for how to address violence against women and girls (VAWG) through programming and policy dialogue on infrastructure and cities. It aims to support DFID advisers and programme managers to integrate VAWG as an important consideration of all urban and infrastructure programming and policy dialogue. The paper is divided into four […]
