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Case Study: Nairobi Railway and Community Relocation

The effective planning and delivery of vital infrastructure is central to realising the full economic potential of cities to drive growth and development. In Nairobi, improvements to the operation and safety of the rail network were impeded by large scale occupation of land along railway lines through the Mukuru and Kibera informal settlements. In 2006, […]

Case Study: Thailand Government Housing Bank

Development pressure on urban sites, occupied by informal settlements, has led to a particular strategy of land sharing in Thailand. In situations where land owners decide to evict informal settlers to make way for commercial development, mediation is used to determine the division of land to allow residents to remain on site while making space […]

Case Study: Dakar Municipal Bond

This case study covers a sequence of technical assistance interventions by PPIAF/SNTA and other development partners between 2009 and 2014 designed to strengthen the financial management of the City of Dakar and raise financing for municipal infrastructure projects (See Annex I, Table 7). This illustrates a number of distinctive and instructive features even though the […]

Case Study: City Creditworthiness in East Africa

This case study analyses an innovative approach in providing capacity building to municipal officials, improving financial performance practices in order to access long term capital of sub-national entities (SNEs). The City Creditworthiness Initiative (CCI), was created “to coordinate and integrate existing efforts, instruments, knowledge and resources by identifying the most effective solutions and implementation arrangements […]

Briefing: Urbanisation trends in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe’s urban landscape encompasses the large metropolitan areas of Harare and Bulawayo, large cities and towns, and as many as 472 small urban centres. However, explaining ‘urban’ trends in Zimbabwe is challenging, due to inconsistencies in measurement and gaps in knowledge and data, which together create uncertainty around the extent and nature of urbanisation and […]

Reducing VAWG around water and sanitation

Creating safe and inclusive urban environments is a top priority for UK government, who have signed up to several international commitments in this area, including Sustainable Development Goal 11 to ‘make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’, with a target that directly contributes to addressing women and girls’ safety in public spaces. Violence […]

Addressing VAWG through coordinated urban planning

Better planning of urbanisation and infrastructure has the potential to create safer environments. However, effective operations and maintenance is essential to ensure the reliable provision of services. Street lights with no power, bus services that don’t run, no water at the standpipe all serve to increase risks. Creating an urban environment that is safe and inclusive […]

Reducing VAWG in Land and Housing

Insecure dwellings in communities with high crime rates and few security patrols can exacerbate women’s vulnerability to burglary, theft and rape in their own homes. Recent migrants are often particularly vulnerable to attacks from strangers and are less able to seek protection from neighbours.

Reducing VAWG in Construction

Creating safe and inclusive environments is a top priority for UK government, who have signed up to several international commitments in this area, including Sustainable Development Goal 11 to ‘make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’, with a target that directly contributes to addressing women and girls’ safety in public spaces.

Designing financial products for housing development

Despite the large demand for financial services among people with low income, perceived risks associated with unstable earnings, lack of credit history and limited collateral deter business innovation in this sector. The World Bank states that 2 billion people do not use formal financial services and more than 50 percent of adults in the lowest-income […]
