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This document has been developed in response to DFID’s commitment to provide guidance and support on disability inclusive infrastructure. It sets out key enabling features to deliver infrastructure as part of a journey to leave no-one behind. The document sets out key challenges and opportunities in legislating for, designing and financing Disability inclusive infrastructure (DII), […]
DownloadThis paper provides a framework for how to address violence against women and girls (VAWG) through programming and policy dialogue on infrastructure and cities. It aims to support DFID advisers and programme managers to integrate VAWG as an important consideration of all urban and infrastructure programming and policy dialogue. The paper is divided into four […]
DownloadThis Briefing Note offers advice on basic approaches to Disability inclusion via infrastructure and urban interventions. This guidance includes: The basic requirements of Disability Inclusion and Universal Design. The opportunity and scale-up that infrastructure and urban development offers for delivering better development outcomes for people with disabilities. Advice on how to spot opportunities and entry […]
DownloadIn September 2016 the UN Secretary General launched the first ever report by the High Level Panel (HLP) on Women’s Economic Empowerment. The Infrastructure and Cities for Economic Development (ICED) facility was instrumental in ensuring this HLP report recognised the potential role of infrastructure as a game-changer for women’s economic empowerment (WEE).
DownloadInfrastructure and cities programming provide critical opportunities to boost economic growth. However, infrastructure provision and urban development alone are not enough to ensure that economic growth benefits the poor and marginalised. The design and implementation of programmes need to be conceived and put in place with purposeful planning for inclusive approaches.
DownloadOn 13 July, the ICED team delivered the quarterly lessons learnt workshop exploring how infrastructure programming can promote women’s economic empowerment. The workshop drew on ICED experience from the Pakistan ‘Support to Urban Productivity (SUP)’ business case.
DownloadThis paper reviews the evidence for linkages between providing improved access to reliable and affordable power and economic growth outcomes. It sets out the potential transmission mechanisms (theory of change) for these growth effects, and assesses the strength of evidence and potential constraints to this narrative. The ability for improved access to reliable and affordable […]