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Role of Digital in Urban Youth Employment

…coaching: Tutoring and mentorship programmes, which can be provided via voice and text or any other online communication channel. Online educational content: Provided either via websites or apps, this can…

Construction Sector Employment in Low-Income Countries: Nature of Employment

…moved elsewhere in the search for lower labour, input, or transport costs.[8] Foreign workers tend to participate in big civil engineering and industrial construction projects, rather than residential and commercial…

Case Study: Disability inclusive design in Dar’s BRT

…design phase, UD standards were adhered to such that disability access was mainstreamed through the design. Near to completion, a civil society group called the Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in…

Reducing VAWG around water and sanitation

…advocacy are those within the local community – community leaders, school teachers, health professionals, religious leaders, and community groups, amongst others. [15] Developed in response to a research exercise on…

For street vendors, finding water and toilets isn’t just a nuisance, it’s cutting into earnings

…access clean or convenient sanitation, even when free options were available. In Durban, free toilets may fall into disuse, often close early, or have excessively long queues. In addition, many…

Construction Sector Employment in Low-Income Countries: Programming Considerations

…In the same study, employment creation was estimated at 158 jobs per million US dollars invested in a sample of middle income countries. Core economic value derives from the development,…

Youth Scoping Study: Boosting Youth Employment through Infrastructure Programming

…study is to identity potential entry points to further DFID in pushing for economic opportunities for young people within I&C programming. This scoping study also focuses on grey and digital…

Case Study: Nairobi Railway and Community Relocation

…along the line, created serious hazards and limited the profitability of the service. In response government initially identified that settlers were to be removed and compensated, with a free standing…

Evidence: Energy, Productivity and Economic Growth

This paper reviews the evidence for linkages between providing improved access to reliable and affordable power and economic growth outcomes. It sets out the potential transmission mechanisms (theory of change)…

Increasing access to clean, affordable energy in underserved communities – the case of Zambia

…that the learnings can be considered in other work to expand energy access, both in Zambia and elsewhere. [1] Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report, H1 and H2, 2016:,…
