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Construction Sector Employment in Low-Income Countries: Opportunities and Barriers

…means that countries that have high expected employment growth have higher potential when implementing formalisation programmes. Countries with high incidence of informal employment, and also high expected employment growth are…

Country Infrastructure Sector Diagnostics

…Central Asia (PDF) Ethiopia (PDF) Ghana (PDF) Lebanon (PDF) Malawi (PDF) Mozambique (PDF) Pakistan (PDF) Rwanda (PDF) Somalia (PDF) South Sudan (PDF) Zimbabwe (PDF) DRC (PDF) Jordan (PDF) Sudan (PDF)…

Construction Sector Employment in Low-Income Countries: Nature of Employment

…that taking action to mitigate climate change creates high-quality employment in the long run.[37] There may also be social inclusion benefits as many green jobs are in the informal economy…

Construction Sector Employment in Low-Income Countries: Executive Summary

…might usefully inform programming decisions at the country level (particularly for LICs). For example, data on the share of economy represented by construction is not disaggregated within the World Development…

Role of Digital in Urban Youth Employment

…great to list comprehensively, but examples include: M-Learning: Automated voice and text modules which can be provided via basic feature phones. For more information, see Box 3 on Arifu. Remote…

Reducing VAWG around water and sanitation

…out training for WASH communities and/or small-scale service providers; (3) when carrying out monitoring and feedback at community level; (4) during group sessions, e.g. on menstrual hygiene management, HIV or…

For street vendors, finding water and toilets isn’t just a nuisance, it’s cutting into earnings

…access clean or convenient sanitation, even when free options were available. In Durban, free toilets may fall into disuse, often close early, or have excessively long queues. In addition, many…

Increasing access to clean, affordable energy in underserved communities – the case of Zambia

…that the learnings can be considered in other work to expand energy access, both in Zambia and elsewhere. [1] Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report, H1 and H2, 2016:,…

Construction Sector Employment in Low-Income Countries: Programming Considerations

This note summarises key findings on the value of investing in strengthening the construction industry and creating / improving the quality of jobs in the construction industry, and presents related…

Case Study: Disability inclusive design in Dar’s BRT

…design phase, UD standards were adhered to such that disability access was mainstreamed through the design. Near to completion, a civil society group called the Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in…
